Name: Stockholders’ Meeting Report – 1978
Date: September 21st 1978
No. Pages: 18
No. Eames Pages: 6
Synopsis: Like any other year, Herman Miller periodically released statements & financial reports for their shareholders. This however, was no ordinary year, with the passing of Charles Eames and the cover is poignantly adorned with one of his most endearing images, a relaxed and smiling Charles with his famed pipe in hand. The opening page carries an anecdote from company president Hugh De Pree sharing some well-chosen words on what Charles Eames meant to him and those who knew him. There then follows a two-page reflection on the life of Charles and how he was seen as a mentor, critic, resource and ultimately a friend. This is then followed by a prayer from Gordon Van Wylen. The rest of the booklet is concerning with the future goals and company objectives as well as all important figures, but it is the memorandum that is most significant.
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