Name: The Girard Group
Date: 1967
No. Pages: Double Sided Poster, Initial Letter size opens X8
No. Eames Pages: 0
Synopsis: Close family friend, colleague, and peer of many years to Charles & Ray Eames, Alexander Girard launched his own furniture collection in 1967 named simply ‘The Girard Group’. Having joined Herman Miller in the early 1950’s to head their textile design program this may appear quite a sidestep however Girard had long been designing interior spaces amongst the many other things this multi-talented designer turned his hand to. One side of the Girard Group poster showcases the chairs, sofas, ottomans and tables of this new range in full resplendent color. What is noticeable is the ‘interchangeability’ of tops and bases between tables and chairs, something long familiar with the work of Charles Eames & Herman Miller in general. But even with this winning recipe, there is no question that the designs themselves are entirely unique and visually remarkable. The poster dedicates one section of space for Girard to muse over his creation, citing that the range is like a Chameleon, changing its colors and textiles to fit into any interior space. The poster flip side showcases work much more familiar with Girard at Herman Miller, that of upholstery and finish choices and options.
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